Portal of Attention
I just finished reading “Mirrors in the Earth” by Asia Suler - and sidenote if you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend picking up a copy. It is composed of 12 chapters - each with golden morsels of wisdom and storytelling. As I read this book, I was inspired to art journal alongside it - diving deeper into the end of chapter practices that Asia offers to readers.

Marigold Mornings
Routine creates rhythm. It sends a clear vibrational message to the cosmos of what is important...what is cherished. Starting the day with intention through nourishing rituals sets the tone for a day filled with grounded energy…

Ode to the Dandelion
As a child, I remember sunny days in New Britain, Connecticut exploring my grandparent’s lush vegetable garden, the magical backyard birdhouse, and a field filled with fuzzy caterpillars and cheery dandelions. Memories of picking white balloon stems of these plentiful blooms and blowing carefree wishes into the blue sky are vivid snapshots in my mind. It must be then that my fascination with these wildflower “weeds” began…